New Year, Renewed Focus on Health and Safety

04 February 2025

Quartzelec’s annual company-wide Safety Stand Downs held over the last few weeks have successfully concluded! This critical event underscores the importance of prioritising health and safety in our workplace. Below are some key highlights:

Introduction: Reinforcing the company’s commitment to providing a safe working environment with the right information, training, and equipment and through our, ‘It’s Safe to Say’, initiative, we continue to encourage our team to report any concerns so that we can take the necessary steps to address them.

2024 Review: Updates on Health and Safety Projects, including the provision of face-fitted masks and ongoing monitoring of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome. In addition, we also celebrated some fantastic accomplishments including Aberdeen for achieving ISO 14001 and Liverpool, Hamilton, TS Metals, and Manchester for receiving ISO 45001 certifications!

This Year's Campaigns: Further emphasis on Health, Near Miss Reporting, and a continued focus on Face Fitted RPE and POWRA, discussing the positive impact of identifying and reporting near misses on our culture and performance.

Lessons Learned: Reflections on serious incidents from 2024, including case studies to enhance safety practices.

Sustainability Matters: Our commitment to a safer, greener future remains a focus. Following recommendations from the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme Audit, we continue to encourage everyone to: Switch off equipment when not in use to improve energy efficiency, drive efficiently by maintaining steady speeds, avoiding idling, and braking gradually.

We continue to encourage our Quartzelec People to remember that every decision we make impacts our safety. If something doesn’t look or feel right, STOP—It’s Safe to Say! Working together will only enhance our culture of safety and accountability, which is key to ensuring a safer workplace for everyone!



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Quartzteq GmbH
Rue des Finettes 54
1920 Martigny